10 best exercise to loose weight at home

[ ] How to get rid of belly fat quickly? If you have no time to go to the gym, try these 6 at home exercise to finally lose belly fat once and for all! It I'll take you a month to reduce excess fat around your waistline, no leaving your house, no special equipment needed, and no excuses

[ ] #1jumping jack :                 are a great way  to get that heart pumping, plus you will burn calories while building muscles strength:          
 *stand up straight with your feet together and your arms at your sides         *As you jump up, raise your arms over your head and spread your feet                  * when you land from that position, jump up again and pull your legs back together and your arms to the side             
 #Burpee :                                 
 *Bend down and place your Palms on the floor.                    
* Jump and extend your leg back behind you into a push-up-position                       *jump again and bring your feet back under you . Do at least 3 sets 

[ ] #2mountain, climbers 
      are a cardio exercise, which means they burn fat like no other, they also target your upper, and lower abs.               
 *Get into a push-up position       
*pull one knee up towards your chest as high as you can                                                   * Do the same thing with your other knee   
 *Do 4 repetitions, with each hop counting as one 


[ ] #3push-up:                           train all kind of muscles in your body. This plank-like position target your abs and obliques, pushing up work your chest muscles   
  * Get into position with only your toes and hands touching the ground.                      *Keep your elbows close to your body and lower your torso to the ground so that your elbows make a 90-degree angle.                     
 *Raise your body by pushing away from the ground  

[ ] #4plank,walks ,:                       if you are looking for an exercise to sculpt your core, the plank it it. It even target those deep abdominal muscles, which trained work as a sort of natural corset for your waistline       
*start by getting into a straight-arm prank   
*bend each elbow one at a time to switch into a forearm prank.                                           *one arm at a time, lift yourself back up into a straight-arm prank                              *do for 1 min or more    


[ ] #5sprinter,sit-up(crunches):  work not only yours abs but your hip flexors as well. And  that's a good thing, since hip flexors muscles often get too tight and don't allow you to have a full range of motion.                 
 *Start by lying on your back on the ground or an exercise mat                             * keep your elbows tight at your sides but bend them at a 90-degree angle.             * Engage your abs to crunch up as you do this, bring your right elbows back and your left knee up                                          * Repeat this exercise 8 times switching sides on each count

[ ] #6sumo,golbet,squat,pulses mostly target your quads. But they also strengthen your hip as well as tight your abs.                      
* Spread your feet wide with your toes pointing outward                                               * lower yourself down into a squat, bending your knee at a 90 degree angle.  * Bring your hips up only slightly. You I'll mostly remain in a squat, just bouncing up and down a little.                                             *Do 10 times 

10 best exercise to loose weight at home 10 best exercise to loose weight at home Reviewed by Study for knowledge on February 21, 2019 Rating: 5

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